Marie-Claire Javoy
Genre :
Length : 52 '

an AFM (French organization against Myopathy )

Steamboat Films co-production





Daring to be a mother

« After a few months spent frontflipping in mum’s belly, I felt the urge to know daddy. My name is Alix, I was born at 9 :05 on August 9th 2010, I’m 43cm tall and weighting 2,530kg. Me and my parents are in very good health».

This is how, on this Monday, the arrival of this awaited boy was announced by his parents to their dearest. Beneath this happy event, there’s an unusual story. It is different, rare, remarkable. Alix’s mum, Marie-Antoinette, is quadriplegic.
She can only use her right hand. She suffers from spinal muscular amyotrophy, and this very invalidating genetic disease is affecting her nervous system. She can’t be independent, her handicap involving a 24 hours a day helping need. Carrying her child was threatening her life. Yet, despite prejudices, despite the disease, despite danger, she had the nerve to fulfill her desire to be a mother. Marie Antoinette dared to be a mother.